The tradition of Christmas dish in Various Countries

Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December each year is a celebration of the Christians to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Big malls "dress up" with a variety of festive Christmas ornaments, Christmas cards sent-items, Christmas trees installed, sharing gifts, and Santa is a tradition at Christmas each year. And most importantly in the tradition of Christmas is the time to gather with loved ones to share the excitement and affection. Usually the night before Christmas, all family members will get together and enjoy a party or dinner together, which (Christmas Dinner).

Well, how does the form of Christmas Dinner in various countries around the world?

United States
Most Christmas traditions in the land of Uncle Sam was adapted from England, where the main food of poultry such as turkey or chicken, beef, ham, pork "stuffed" with herbs or supplements. The main meal is accompanied with vegetables and mashed potatoes. Dessert commonly found on Christmas Eve in the form of pumpkin pie, plum pudding (commonly called Christmas pudding), fruit cake, coconut cake, carrot cake, apple pie, sugar cookies, and a wide variety of other desserts.
The tradition of eating together on Christmas Eve in Australia took the English tradition. However, since Christmas falls in summer in the southern hemisphere, the menu such as chicken meat, ham, and turkey with cranberry sauce served cold, complete with a salad or grilled vegetables. In addition, a barbecue with seafood dishes, steak, or chicken breast is also often done to fill the Christmas Eve.
Christmas dinner in the Netherlands is slightly different from the traditions of its neighbors. The Dutch call their tradition of "gourmet", a night full of events where small groups of people sitting around a set of food and they will cook their own food by using equipment that was taken of each in small portions. The host has to prepare vegetables that have been cut cleanly and various types of meat. Everything will be accompanied by a salad, fruits, and sauces. Rumors, this tradition it is most likely taken from Indonesia you know.
In Brazil, Christmas dinner was held in a really large scale, in the sense that the food was served really are numerous! Fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts Brazil is usually a mandatory meal on Christmas Eve, accompanied by colorful rice, and dishes that contain ham, fresh salads, and roast turkey. Dessert of lemon tart, pie nuts, and chocolate cake are also used to complete their Christmas dinner.
In Italy, eating together in the middle of the night takes precedence over the night before Christmas, and usually eat together for the celebration of Christmas was held twice, namely on the night before Christmas (Christmas Eve) and on Christmas day. Usually the food that was served a soup made from pasta, seafood, pasta, a large number of salads, and Capitone (grilled eel). There are three kinds of traditional Italian dessert that is also usually served: panforte (gingerbread), torrone (candy nugat) and panettone (fruit cake).
Christmas in Germany the main meal is usually a goose or grilled fish, pork or duck although also usually served. The main foods are usually accompanied by roasted potatoes and various kinds of cabbage. In some areas of Germany, Christmas dinner was held on Christmas day than the night before Christmas. Usually the food is simpler, consisting of sausage or macaroni salad.
Dishes in large quantities is presented as a Christmas dinner in the country of Zimbabwe, and is usually prepared by a number of women who are members of a particular community, or those who are members of certain churches. The food served is usually a buffalo or a goat roast meat, bread with jam, and porridge made of tapioca flour.
